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Workshop on Low-Cost Devices for Rehabilitation & Assistance


The first goal of this workshop is to initiate dialogue and brainstorming between academic researchers, students, clinicians, NGOs, and industry towards understanding the need, state-ofthe-art, real-world translation challenges, clinical considerations, and ideas for developing the next generation of low-cost rehabilitation and assistive devices. This ideation workshop also seeks to act as a networking platform for nurturing collaborative engineering and clinical translation projects between academics, clinicians, industry and NGOs in India and the UK. The workshop would also provide a platform for students to interact with experts from both academia and industry.

The ideation workshop is currently scheduled to span over 2 days and aims to have speakers from academia, medicine, industry, NGOs and student researchers. Given the current pandemic situation, the workshop will be run virtually via video conference. 

This workshop is organised in conjunction with the NeuroRehack21 - International Summer/Winter School and Hackathon on Neurorehabilitation Engineering.


July 26-27 2021

09:30-12:00 UK Time - 14:00-16:30 India Time


Click here to see the detailed programme

Join the workshop

Please click the link below to join the workshop:
Passcode: Gcrf2021!

Click here for other ways to join the workshop

Note: No registration is needed and it is a free event